Admissions Process for Acute Inpatient Mental Health Care

The admissions process at Southern Hill Hospital is designed to ensure that patients requiring immediate and intensive mental health care are promptly identified, assessed, and admitted. Our process aims to provide seamless and efficient transitions from initial presentation to specialised acute care, ensuring the highest standard of patient care. This document outlines the various steps involved in the admissions process, highlighting our commitment to excellence and efficiency.

Initial Assessment and Referral

NHS Referral

  • Admission Assessment: Upon arrival, our psychiatrists conduct a thorough mental health and physical health examination, orders necessary diagnostic tests, and determines the appropriate level of care required.

Private Patient Referral

  • Initial Contact: Private patients or their representatives can contact Southern Hill Hospital directly through our dedicated private patient admissions line. Our admissions team gathers preliminary information about the patient's mental health status and any immediate concerns.

  • Consultation Scheduling: The admissions team schedules an urgent consultation with a psychiatric consultant, who will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the patient's mental health needs.

  • Direct Admission: Based on the consultant’s evaluation, patients may be directly admitted to the hospital. The consultant provides a detailed report outlining the patient’s condition, treatment history, and recommended care plan.

Admission Procedures

Pre-Admission Coordination

  • Notification and Preparation: Upon receiving a referral, the Southern Hill Hospital admissions team is notified, and preparations for the patient’s arrival are initiated. This includes ensuring that a bed is available and that the necessary medical equipment and staff are ready.

  • Patient Information: Detailed patient information, including medical history, current medications, and diagnostic results, is collected and reviewed by the clinical team. This information is crucial for developing an initial treatment plan.

Arrival and Handover

  • Patient Transport: Patients are transported to Southern Hill Hospital from the Emergency Department, other hospital departments, or external facilities. During transport, they are accompanied by trained ambulance personnel to ensure their safety and stability.

  • Handover Process: Upon arrival at Southern Hill, a formal handover process takes place. The referring medical team provides a comprehensive report on the patient’s condition, treatment provided, and any specific concerns. This handover ensures continuity of care and a smooth transition.

Initial Assessment

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Upon admission to Southern Hill Hospital, patients undergo a comprehensive evaluation conducted by the medical team. This includes a detailed medical history, physical examination, and review of diagnostic results.

  • Initial Treatment Plan: Based on the initial assessment, an individualised treatment plan is developed. This plan is tailored to address the patient’s specific needs and is reviewed and updated regularly as the patient’s condition evolves.

Documentation and Communication

  • Electronic Medical Records (EPR): All patient information is documented in the hospital’s electronic medical records system. This ensures that the entire healthcare team has access to up-to-date information, facilitating coordinated care.

  • Family Communication: The clinical team communicates with the patient’s family, providing updates on the patient’s condition, treatment plan, and any necessary consent forms. Family involvement is encouraged to support the patient’s care and recovery.

Admission Criteria

Criteria for Acute Inpatient Mental Health Admission

  • Severe Depression: Patients experiencing severe depression with suicidal ideation or behaviour requiring intensive monitoring and treatment.

  • Acute Psychosis: Patients with acute psychotic episodes, including hallucinations and delusions, need specialised psychiatric care.

  • Bipolar Disorder: Patients with severe manic or depressive episodes that cannot be managed in an outpatient setting.

  • Severe Anxiety Disorders: Patients with debilitating anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder or severe generalised anxiety disorder, require intensive intervention.

  • Substance Use Disorders: Patients with severe substance use disorders who need detoxification and stabilisation.

  • Complex Mental Health Conditions: Patients with complex mental health conditions that involve multiple psychiatric diagnoses and require coordinated care from various specialists.

Patient Flow and Bed Management

Bed Availability

  • Real-Time Bed Tracking: Our hospital uses a real-time bed tracking system to monitor bed availability. This system allows us to quickly identify and allocate beds to incoming patients based on their urgency and clinical needs.

  • Priority Admission: Patients are prioritised for admission based on the severity of their condition and the urgency of their need for intensive care. This ensures that those most in need receive prompt attention.

Admission and Discharge Coordination

  • Admission Planning: Our admissions coordinator works closely with referring doctors and the hospital bed management team to plan and coordinate admissions. This includes ensuring that necessary resources and staff are available for incoming patients.

  • Discharge Planning: Discharge planning begins early in the patient’s stay to ensure a smooth transition to the next level of care, whether that is a general ward, rehabilitation facility, or home. Our hospital team collaborates with discharge planners, social workers, and external care providers to arrange follow-up care and support.

Managing Patient Transfers

  • Internal Transfers: Patients who no longer require the care provided by the hospital are discharged in accordance with the referring medical team’s wishes. The hospital team ensures a comprehensive handover to the receiving hospital or community service, including detailed medical records and care instructions.

  • External Transfers: For patients needing specialised care not available at Southern Hill Hospital, the hospital facilitates transfers to other healthcare facilities. This includes coordinating with transport services, providing detailed patient records, and ensuring that the receiving facility is prepared to continue care seamlessly.

Patient and Family Support

Family Involvement

  • Family Communication: The hospital team maintains regular communication with the patient’s family, providing updates on the patient’s condition and treatment plan. This helps to alleviate anxiety and ensures that families are informed and involved in care decisions.

  • Visiting Policies: We recognise the importance of family support in the healing process. Our visiting policies are designed to balance the need for intensive medical care with the emotional support provided by family presence. Flexible visiting hours and facilities for family members are available to support their involvement.

Psychological and Emotional Support

  • Psychology Services: The stress of acute mental health conditions can take a significant emotional toll on patients and their families. We provide psychological support to help them cope with the challenges of mental illness.

  • Support Groups: We offer support groups for families of patients in the AIU, providing a platform to share experiences, receive emotional support, and gain valuable insights into managing their loved one’s condition.

Quality and Safety Measures

Ensuring High Standards of Care

  • Clinical Guidelines and Protocols: The hospital follows evidence-based clinical guidelines and protocols to ensure that patients receive the highest standard of care. These protocols are regularly reviewed and updated based on the latest medical research and best practices.

  • Staff Training and Competency: Ongoing training and professional development ensure that our staff are skilled in the latest techniques and technologies. Competency assessments and continuing education programmes are integral to maintaining high standards of care.

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Quality Assurance: Regular audits and quality assurance programmes evaluate the effectiveness of our care processes. Feedback from these evaluations is used to make continuous improvements in patient care.

  • Patient Safety: Safety is a top priority in the hospital. We implement stringent infection control measures, medication safety protocols, and equipment maintenance procedures to minimise risks and ensure patient safety.

Patient Feedback and Satisfaction

  • Patient and Family Feedback: We actively seek feedback from patients and their families to understand their experiences and identify areas for improvement. This feedback is essential for enhancing the quality of care and ensuring patient satisfaction.

  • Satisfaction Surveys: Regular satisfaction surveys are conducted to gauge the effectiveness of our services and the overall patient experience. The results of these surveys inform our quality improvement initiatives.

If you or a loved one are experiencing a severe mental health condition, trust Southern Hill Hospital’s Acute Inpatient Mental Health service to provide the urgent and comprehensive care you need. Our team of highly skilled professionals is ready to offer support, treatment, and comfort during the most critical times.

How to Access Our Services

  • NHS Referral: If you are a healthcare provider or a general practitioner seeking to refer a patient to our hospital, please contact our admissions team. We will work with you to ensure a smooth and efficient referral process.

  • Private Patient Referral: For private patients, please contact our dedicated private patient admissions coordinator to arrange an urgent consultation and potential admission.

  • Inter-Hospital Transfers: For transfers from other hospitals, our admissions team is available to coordinate and facilitate the transfer process, ensuring that patients receive timely and appropriate care.

Contact Information

For more information about the Acute Inpatient Mental Health services at Southern Hill Hospital or to speak with our admissions team, please contact us today.