Acute Inpatient Mental Health Services

Our Acute Inpatient Mental Health Service at Southern Hill Hospital is dedicated to providing immediate, comprehensive, and specialised care to patients with severe or life-threatening conditions. Our treatment approaches are designed to stabilise patients rapidly, manage acute symptoms effectively, and ensure a smooth transition to ongoing care. This document outlines the various treatment approaches employed within our acute inpatient service, highlighting our commitment to excellence in patient care.

Overview of the Acute Inpatient Mental Health Service

The Acute Inpatient Mental Health Service at Southern Hill Hospital is a specialised service that provides intensive and immediate psychiatric and medical care to patients with severe or life-threatening conditions. Our primary aim is to stabilise patients' conditions, manage acute symptoms, and facilitate a smooth transition to either general medical care or specialised treatment, depending on their needs.

Facilities and Equipment

Our Acute Inpatient Mental Health Service is equipped with the latest medical technology to ensure optimal patient care. The unit features:

  • Advanced Monitoring Systems: Each bedroom in the service is equipped with alarm call and patient monitoring equipment. s. These systems provide real-time data to our medical and nursing team, allowing for prompt intervention when necessary.

  • Life-Support Equipment: The unit houses immediate life-support systems, including defibrillators and suction pumps. These tools are critical for managing patients' airways, breathing and circulation during cardiac emergencies and other severe conditions.

  • Emergency Response Facilities: Our service is designed to handle rapid and critical situations. We have immediate access to emergency drugs and specialised equipment required for urgent interventions.

  • Comfortable Patient Rooms: The unit features private rooms to enhance patient comfort and provide a more conducive environment for recovery. Each room has ensuite toilet facilities.  

  • Visitor Rooms: The hospital has rooms dedicated for patient families, friends and carers to visit. 

Multidisciplinary Approach

One of the core principles of our treatment approach in our Acute Inpatient Mental Health Service is the utilisation of a multidisciplinary team. This team comprises various specialists who collaborate to deliver holistic care tailored to each patient’s unique needs. Key members of our multidisciplinary team include:

Consultant Psychiatrists

Leading the medical team, consultant psychiatrists oversee patient care, diagnose complex mental health conditions, and develop personalised treatment plans.

Charge Nurses

These nurses are skilled in advanced patient monitoring and care, ensuring that any changes in patient conditions are promptly addressed.


Ensure the safe administration of medications and manage complex drug regimens.

Social Workers and Psychologists

Offer emotional and psychological support to patients and their families.

Key Treatment Approaches

Timely Admissions

Our acute inpatient mental health hospitals maintain a 24/7 admissions policy, ensuring our staff are always ready to receive patients promptly at short notice. This system guarantees immediate responsiveness to bed management teams, facilitating efficient patient transfers via NHS gatekeeping processes.

We've established a standard to confirm referral acceptance within 45 minutes of receiving written referral information. Our doctors and senior nursing staff screen and accept referrals 24/7 with input from the wider service team, referring to admission criteria. Out of hours, the Duty Doctor or Nurse-in-Charge will confirm the decision to admit.

Following receipt of a referral, our team will go through documentation and may request further documents including up-to-date risk assessments. Each patient undergoes a doctor's assessment upon arrival and is allocated a primary nurse. Within the first 24 hours all patient rights are read, and they are both physically and mentally examined with necessary blood tests and ECG requests based on the medical background of the patient. The process for admitting a patient is detailed on our IQVIA Electronic Patient Records (EPR) system.

We agree on a clear purpose with bed management teams for each admission, shared with the service user, their chosen carer/s, and referring hospital team. Essential paperwork is carefully completed, including person profile, emergency grab sheet, individual risk assessments, care plan, and admission checklist. The admission purpose and care plan are uploaded to the person's EPR together with an Expected Date of Discharge (EDD). We show the person to their room and ward.

Routine searches are only undertaken in exceptional circumstances with adherence to policy for prohibited items like alcohol and illicit substances. We register the patient with our physical health lead and update the person's GP. Detailed information on daily routines, mealtimes, policies, and support services is shared with the person. We record their preferences about involving family and explain circumstances where their preferences may not be followed in accordance with MHA Code of Practice.

We consider cultural needs, especially people from different communities, and plan with them how their cultural, religious, and spiritual needs (including dietary preferences) can be supported. We provide key information about our services in different languages. Support for sexual orientation and gender identity for individuals from LGBT+ Communities, following guidance on same-sex accommodation for trans individuals. Medication and safeguarding protocols adhere to policies.

Within the initial 72 hours, a formulation review, in collaboration with referring NHS providers, incorporates records, holistic assessments, care plans, and choices, enhancing understanding and facilitating tailored support.

Proactive Discharge Coordination

We work with an ethos of having discharge in mind upon admission. We establish contact with the referring provider from Day One and will encourage a 72-hour formulation with Care CoordinatorsCoordinators to think about the Expected Date of Discharge (EDD), identifying clinical indicators, therapeutic goals for discharge and potential delays in discharge, e.g., accommodation, welfare rights, and safeguarding. We have dedicated Discharge CoordinatorsCoordinators to ensure effective communication throughout. These staff members work closely with service reviews, including a thorough examination of discharge planning and placement suitability, with input from the person's local team or care coordinator during CPA meetings.

The Primary Nurse discusses admission reasons and goals with the person and, when appropriate, their chosen carer/s. A discharge multidisciplinary case review meeting is scheduled close to the EDD, ensuring a seamless transition.

Outcomes from the discharge review are agreed upon with the person and their carer/representative and documented in the discharge care plan. We aim for individuals to return home or to their usual care setting. The person's, their carers, or representative's involvement and preferences are documented.

For individuals unable to participate, decisions adhere to the Mental Capacity Act 2005, seeking the opinion of representatives. Medications are reviewed and reconciled before discharge, with prescriptions provided for seven days. Discharge medication is ordered and checked, and a summary is sent to the GP on the day of discharge.

Upon discharge, the person in charge ensures belongings, monies, and medications are reconciled, transportation arranged, and appropriate communications made. A discharge summary is formulated within seven days and disseminated to the care coordinator.

In the case of unplanned discharge, thorough documentation is maintained, considering the use of Nurses Holding Powers or Doctors Holding Powers if immediate harm is assessed. All professionals are informed promptly, and the use of the police for health and welfare checks may be considered.

Clinical Care Pathway

Our range of services enables us to provide unique and individual care pathways for service users. We can provide a seamless transition for each person as they progress between our higher and lower dependency hospital services to move back home or into other community care services, wherever possible.

Psychological and Emotional Support

  • Counselling Services: Recognising the psychological impact of acute illness, we provide counselling services to help patients and their families cope with stress, anxiety, and emotional challenges.

  • Support Groups: Support groups offer patients and their families a platform to share experiences, receive emotional support, and gain valuable insights into managing their condition.

Patient and Family Education

Educating patients and their families is a vital part of our care approach. We provide information on:

  • Condition Management: Detailed explanations about the patient’s condition, treatment options, and expected outcomes.

  • Medication Use: Instructions on how to administer medications, potential side effects, and the importance of adherence to prescribed therapies.

  • Recovery Process: Guidance on what to expect during recovery, including physical, emotional, and practical aspects.

  • Emergency Procedures: Information on what to do in case of emergencies and how to recognise signs that require immediate medical attention.

  • Discharge Planning: This includes providing detailed discharge instructions, arranging follow-up appointments, and coordinating with community resources for ongoing support.

Patient Care Protocols

At Southern Hill Hospital, patient care in the Acute Care Unit follows strict protocols to ensure safety, efficacy, and compassionate care:

  • Upon admission to the service, patients undergo a comprehensive assessment that includes a detailed medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests. This helps our team develop an individualised treatment plan.

  • Based on the initial assessment, a treatment plan is formulated in consultation with the patient’s family and relevant specialists. This plan is regularly reviewed and adjusted according to the patient's response to treatment.

  • Patients in the hospital are continuously monitored to detect any changes in their condition promptly. This allows for immediate intervention if needed and ensures that any complications are managed effectively.

  • Regular meetings involving the entire healthcare team are held to discuss each patient's progress, review treatment plans, and address any concerns. These meetings ensure a coordinated approach to patient care.

  • We believe that family involvement is crucial to the recovery process. Families are kept informed about their loved one’s condition and are encouraged to participate in care discussions and decisions.

  • Effective discharge planning as patients stabilise ensuring a smooth transition from the hospital to home or another care facility. This includes arranging follow-up appointments, providing discharge instructions, and coordinating with community services to ensure a smooth transition.

Continuous Improvement and Quality Assurance

Regular Audits and Reviews

  • Clinical Audits: Regular clinical audits ensure adherence to best practices and continuous improvement in patient care. These audits assess compliance with established protocols and identify areas for enhancement.

  • Patient Feedback: We actively seek feedback from patients and their families to understand their experiences and identify opportunities for improvement. This feedback is integral to refining our care processes and enhancing patient satisfaction.

Staff Training and Development

  • Ongoing Education: Continuous education and training for our staff ensure they remain updated with the latest medical advancements and techniques. This commitment to professional development enhances the quality of care we provide.

  • Simulation Training: Simulation training allows our team to practise and refine their skills in a controlled environment, preparing them for real-life scenarios.

At Southern Hill Hospital's Acute Inpatient Mental Health Service, we are deeply committed to delivering the highest standards of care for individuals facing severe or life-threatening mental health conditions. Our service is built on a foundation of rapid intervention, cutting-edge facilities, and a multidisciplinary approach that ensures each patient receives tailored, compassionate care. From timely admissions to proactive discharge planning, every step of our process is designed to support the well-being and recovery of our patients.

Our ongoing dedication to continuous improvement and quality assurance underscores our commitment to excellence. Through regular audits, patient feedback, and staff development, we strive to refine our practices and enhance the patient experience continuously.

At Southern Hill Hospital, we understand that the journey through acute mental health challenges is complex and demanding. Our team is here to provide unwavering support, guiding patients and their families through every stage of care, from crisis to recovery. We are honoured to be a trusted partner in the healing process, ensuring that each patient leaves our care with the strength, resources, and confidence to continue their journey toward wellness.