Specialised Services

We offer services for the treatment of mental and emotional disorders through the provision of medical, psychological and nursing interventions supported by other members of the multidisciplinary team. These interventions are designed to encourage conflict communication and insight into problems, with the goal of relieving symptoms and changing behaviour to improve social and vocational functioning and personal growth.

Our services are provided across five wards dedicated to the care and treatment of acute mental illness delivering support for people who are experiencing a new episode or an acute exacerbation of an existing condition where there is often a corresponding increase in risk to themselves, which requires their safe, therapeutic management and treatment in an acute inpatient ward setting.

Mental health services

Mental Health Services

Comprehensive mental health support, including therapy, counselling, and psychiatric evaluations, ensuring holistic well-being and recovery.

Acute Inpatient mental health care

Acute Inpatient Mental Health Care

Dedicated inpatient facilities offering round-the-clock medical care and support for patients requiring intensive monitoring and treatment.

Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

Specialised hospital service providing intensive psychiatric care for patients experiencing acute mental health crises requiring constant supervision.

Neuropsychiatric Services

Expert care for complex neuropsychiatric conditions, integrating advanced neurological and psychiatric treatments for optimal outcomes.

Acute Inpatient Mental Health Service

At Southern Hill Hospital, our Acute Inpatient Mental Health Service is based on a personalised approach that values individual needs, preferences, and aspirations. Our experienced multi-disciplinary team provides medical, psychological, and nursing interventions, ensuring a holistic approach to treatment.

Holistic and Personalised Care

We believe in a personalised approach to mental health care. Our multidisciplinary team, comprising medical professionals, psychologists, and nurses, works together to address each patient's unique needs. This holistic approach ensures comprehensive care, fostering a supportive and healing environment.

Coordinated Discharge Planning

Continuous communication with the patient's community mental health team and chosen carers ensures a coordinated and supportive approach to discharge. Our aim is to provide a clear purpose for each admission, supported by daily therapeutic activities, interventions, and treatments. This approach empowers individuals to regain control and order in their lives, fostering a sense of stability.

Seamless Transition of Care

Our Acute Inpatient Mental Health care can support people who are detained under the Mental Health Act or who are admitted to hospital informally. People may access our acute service as a direct admission from hospital bed managers, community mental health services, or via a Section 136 suite, providing a seamless transition of care.

Comprehensive Support for Diverse Conditions

We support men and women experiencing difficulties due to a range of conditions, including bipolar disorder, psychosis, depression, personality disorder, and self-harm.

Admission Criteria

  • Men and Women with a mental health condition, pre-existing or new diagnosis.

  • 18 years and over, working age or older adults.

  • May be detained under the Mental Health Act or admitted as an informal patient.

Acute and Enduring Mental Health Needs

Our service specialises in the assessment and treatment of people with acute and enduring mental health needs. We provide care and treatment to people who are experiencing an acute phase of a mental illness and who are often in crisis. The aim of the service is to stabilise the person as quickly as possible, assess for further needs, and implement the care and treatment required. We will stay in close contact with the patient’s community mental health team throughout each admission and, as soon as it is safe to do so, we will arrange a suitable discharge home under the care of community mental health teams or into other appropriate community settings.

Tailored Care

Our experience of supporting people with a range of complex needs alongside co-existing issues such as dual diagnosis positions our service expertly for the delivery of acute mental health care. Some service users may present with a higher level of dependency, and admission will be made to the most suitable ward based on individual needs.

Our individual packages of care for all patients, including those presenting with higher levels of dependency, focus on:

  • Our team is trained to provide care that acknowledges and addresses the impact of trauma on mental health. Trauma-informed care involves understanding, recognising, and responding to the effects of all types of trauma. This approach emphasises the physical, psychological, and emotional safety of patients and helps survivors rebuild a sense of control and empowerment.

    1. Understanding Trauma: We recognise that trauma can significantly impact mental health, influencing behaviours, thoughts, and emotions. Our team is trained to identify signs of trauma and understand its pervasive impact.

    2. Creating a Safe Environment: We prioritise creating a safe, non-judgmental, and supportive environment where patients feel secure and understood.

    3. Empowering Patients: Our approach focuses on empowerment, helping individuals regain control over their lives and fostering resilience and recovery.on text goes here

  • Recognising that emergencies can happen at any time, we offer round-the-clock rapid admission to address urgent mental health needs promptly. Our emergency services are designed to provide immediate support and stabilisation.

    1. 24/7 Availability: Our team is available 24/7 to handle mental health crises, ensuring that help is always accessible when needed.

    2. Swift Response: We prioritise rapid admission to ensure that patients receive timely and appropriate care during emergencies.

    3. Comprehensive Emergency Care: Our emergency services include immediate assessment, intervention, and stabilisation, providing a seamless transition to further care.

  • Empowering individuals to participate in their recovery journey actively is a core aspect of our care. We focus on strategies that promote self-management and support sustained recovery.

    1. Active Participation: We encourage patients to take an active role in their treatment plans, setting goals and making informed decisions about their care.

    2. Skills and Strategies: Our team provides patients with tools, techniques, and strategies to manage their conditions, cope with symptoms, and prevent relapses.

    3. Supportive Environment

    4. : We create a nurturing environment that supports recovery, offering encouragement, motivation, and guidance every step of the way.

  • As part of our comprehensive approach, each patient undergoes an initial physical health screen. This ensures that both mental and physical health aspects are considered in their care plan, reinforcing our commitment to holistic well-being.

    1. Comprehensive Screening: Our initial assessment includes a thorough physical health screening to identify any medical conditions that may impact mental health.

    2. Integrated Care: By addressing both physical and mental health needs, we provide integrated care that promotes overall well-being and enhances treatment outcomes.

    3. Ongoing Monitoring: We continuously monitor physical health throughout the treatment process, ensuring that any emerging issues are promptly addressed and managed.

Contact Us

For more details on our services or to schedule an appointment, please contact our team. Your health and well-being are our top priority. At Southern Hill Hospital, we are dedicated to providing exceptional care and support to help you achieve your best possible mental health.